Submit Podcast Directory

List of sites that accept podcast submissions.

Multi Podcast Submit Sites.

AllPodcasts - index a podcast (an RSS 2.0 feed with an audio enclosure), enter the URL for the RSS feed into the field below and click "Index".

Pod Lounge - The Pod Lounge relies on user submissions to help build the database and we appreciate any additions you can provide.

Feedshark - automate submissions to 10 podcast sites


No Registration Required.

Podcast Alley - submit podcast title,
website, xml feed, and description.

Plazoo - submit to podcasts or vlogs

PodBlaze - small podcast directory

GetAPodcast - post podcasts and rss feeds

Every Podcast - submit podcasts

Get a Podcast - submit podcasts

Fluctu8 - submit podcasts

Podcast Pup - submit podcasts

Canadian Podcasts - submit podcasts

iBiz Radio - Submit podcasts
(only submit business podcasts)

Educational Podcasts - submit educational

Podcast Blaster - Submit podcasts

Mirpod - submit podcasts.

Women in Podcasting - submit podcasts.

Registration Required.

Podcast Pickle - submit to podcast Register

Digital Podcasts - add podcasts to the digital podcast directory - Register

PodFeed - podcast submission -Register

Syndic8 Podcast - post podcasts and rss feeds

Amigo Fish - submit a feed/podcast Registration.

HardPodCafe - submit podcasts Register.

Blubrry Podcasts - login to submit podcasts. Register